Monday, May 9, 2011

The Whales are Back!

I've been looking for whales daily. I always think about their trek north this time of year. The sun is higher in the sky as we start our walk. Razor clams have reappeared and are showing themselves at low tide. I let Sergeant Pepper dig them up and eat a few for a special treat. Pelicans are returning in larger numbers everyday as are the fishermen. I scan the horizon for whale spouts, but nothing for the past few weeks.

Today I saw something in the surf zone off the seawall down coast from Hidden Beach. I stopped to look for a bit thinking it was a bird or maybe dolphins that have been coming in again with more frequency. After a few seconds a large tail slapped the surface of the water, clearly too big for a dolphin. Pepper and I followed the spouts up coast for awhile and confirmed two gray whales moving close to shore together. It was hard to tell if it was a mother and calf, but I let my imagination believe that one was smaller. They stayed close to shore until they reached the "platform" and then headed further out in the bay. What a thrill!

Gray Whale information

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blog realms. Nice to have your voice in the cyber mix mashup of friends. Don't worry about trying to keep up, just post when you want to, or more importantly, when you feel the need to. Otherwise, let it flow.
